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Sunset Air Blog

What Happens if Your Furnace Is Improperly Sized

Even this late in the year, plenty of people are looking to install new heating systems in their homes. If you’re one of the many people considering installing a furnace system in your home, you’re probably considering a lot of different factors. Make sure you don’t neglect one of the more major factors: size. Many homeowners just go for the largest furnace they can fit, or think that whatever sits in the space they have available for it is good enough. This isn’t true. Improperly sized furnaces create more problems than they solve, as you can see below.


An oversized furnace will generate so much output that the thermostat will shut it down before it has a chance to complete a full cycle. This may not seem like a big deal, but it puts the system under a lot of stress that it wasn’t designed to handle. Parts of the furnace will wear down faster than they should, shortening the lifespan of the system. The furnace will also break down more often, and will not be able to heat the home as efficiently.


An undersized furnace will be too small to properly serve the home in which it is installed. This will force it to operate for much longer than it was designed to do, in an attempt to compensate for its lack of output. This has the same general effect as if the system were oversized: parts wear down much faster and the system will need to be replaced sooner. This is why it’s so important to make sure that your furnace is properly sized before having it installed.

Sunset Air offers furnace installation services of all kinds throughout Olympia, WA. If you need a furnace installed, or need help selecting one, call today for an appointment with one of our technicians.

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