Sunset Air Blog: Archive for March, 2017

Air Conditioning Problems to Watch for This Spring

Monday, March 27th, 2017

It may seem hard to believe now, with the average temperature in the 50s and rain forecast for the entire week, but soon the days are going to get quite a bit hotter. You’re going to be using your air conditioner to stay cool on a daily basis in the next month or two. Once we get into the hot months, the last thing you want to have happen is to have your air conditioner break down on you. The best way to prevent that from happening is to schedule air conditioning maintenance this spring.

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Should I Replace My Heat Pump Before Summer?

Monday, March 13th, 2017

Summer may seem pretty far off, but the weather will start to warm up before you know it. Right around this time of year, when spring is getting into swing and summer is on the horizon, a lot of people start to look into getting their heating systems ready for the hot months. For a lot of people, that means scheduling preventive maintenance. For others, though, that may not be enough to ensure that the system is in good enough condition to serve them properly. If you’re wondering whether or not your heat pump can keep you cool through another summer, there are a couple of things that you should take a look at.

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